Unraveling the Myths: Truths and Lies about Hair Care

Hair care is an important part of many people’s routines. With the vast amount of information available today, it’s easy to get lost amidst the myths and truths surrounding the subject.

In this article, we will unravel some of the most common myths related to hair care, shedding light on the truths behind them. With an evidence-based approach, we hope to provide clear and accurate information to help you properly care for your hair.

I. Washing your hair every day is harmful

One of the most widespread myths is that washing your hair every day is harmful. However, this claim is not necessarily true.

The ideal frequency of washing depends on each person’s hair type and scalp. For individuals with oilier hair, daily washing may be necessary to remove oil and dirt buildup. On the other hand, washing dry hair daily can cause excessive dryness. 

Therefore, the key is to find a balance that works best for your hair type.

II. Cutting your hair makes it grow faster

Another common myth is that regular haircuts make your hair grow faster. However, this is just a myth and lacks scientific basis.

Hair growth occurs from the roots, in the scalp, and not from the ends. Cutting the ends does not affect hair growth, but it can help improve overall appearance by removing split ends and damaged hair.

III. Frequent use of flat irons and blow dryers damages the hair

Frequent use of heat styling tools, such as flat irons and blow dryers, has been associated with hair damage. While excessive heat can indeed damage the hair, it doesn’t mean you need to stop using them altogether.

It’s important to use these tools in moderation and take measures to protect your hair. Using heat-protective products and applying a heat protectant before using heat styling tools can help minimize damage.

IV. Expensive shampoos are always better

We often believe that expensive shampoos are always better and more effective. However, the price of a product is not necessarily an indicator of its quality.

It’s important to read labels and identify ingredients that are beneficial for your hair type. Sometimes, more affordable shampoos contain similar ingredients to luxury products and can provide the same benefits.

The key is to understand your hair’s needs and choose a suitable shampoo based on that.

V. Brushing your hair 100 times a day makes it healthier

You may have heard the recommendation to brush your hair 100 times a day to keep it healthy. However, this practice is not necessarily beneficial.

Brushing your hair too frequently can lead to hair breakage, especially if done with too much force. Instead, opt for gently brushing your hair using a wide-tooth comb or a brush with soft bristles. This will help detangle the hair without causing damage.

VI. Shaving your hair makes it grow thicker and stronger

Many people believe that shaving their hair will make it grow thicker and stronger. However, this is just a myth.

The thickness of the hair is determined by genetics and not by the way it is cut.

Shaving the hair doesn’t alter the thickness of the strands. What can happen is that, after shaving, the hair may appear thicker initially as it grows from the root, but this is just an optical illusion.

VII. Hair stops growing after a certain length

Some believe that hair stops growing after reaching a certain length. However, this is not true.

Human hair has a natural growth cycle, consisting of growth, rest, and shedding phases. These phases are genetically regulated and vary from person to person.

As long as the growth cycle is active, the hair will continue to grow regardless of the length it has reached.

VIII. Washing your hair with cold water makes it shinier

Another common myth is that washing your hair with cold water makes it shinier. While cold water can help seal the hair cuticles and give a smoother appearance to the hair, there is no scientific evidence that it actually makes the hair shinier.

The water temperature during hair washing is more a matter of personal preference than a direct impact on the hair’s appearance.

IX. Gray hair can be reversed

There is a belief that gray hair can be reversed through certain products or treatments. However, this is not true. Gray hair is caused by the natural decrease in pigment production by the hair follicle.

There are no products or treatments that can reverse this process and bring back the hair’s natural color. The option to cover gray hair is to use hair dyes or embrace the gray look.

X. Brushing your hair before sleeping aids in growth

Many people believe that brushing their hair before sleeping stimulates hair growth. However, brushing your hair before bed has no direct relation to hair growth. Nevertheless, this practice can help distribute the natural oils from the scalp along the strands, which can benefit overall hair health.

By unraveling these myths, we can gain a clearer, evidence-based understanding of hair care. It’s important to seek reliable information and consult qualified professionals for proper guidance on how to care for your hair in the best possible way.


In this article, we have addressed some of the most common myths related to hair care. By unraveling these myths, we were able to highlight the truths behind them.

It’s essential to have accurate information when caring for your hair since each person has unique hair needs and characteristics. Remember that the frequency of hair washing, the use of heat styling tools, the choice of shampoo, and how you brush your hair can influence the health and appearance of your strands.

By adopting an evidence-based approach, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions and properly care for your hair.

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